It is common for trees to run into health problems and become ill. Spotting these health issues early enough can be challenging unless you know the signs we discuss below.
1. Leaves Start to Yellow or Wilt
The leaves of your tree can start to yellow or wilt due to several reasons, such as water-logged soil, low pH levels, or nutrient deficiency. No matter the cause, it is important that you look into the issue with much attention to prevent it from escalating. If possible, contact a local arborist to examine your tree and determine the issue it is facing.
2. Excessive Peeling of the Bark
The primary role of the bark is to offer protection to the trunk. This means you can rely on it to determine the overall health of your tree. Bark that peels excessively may indicate that your tree is lacking essential nutrients and is starting to be exposed to diseases. It is common for bark to peel, but if this becomes excessive, then it is time to call a professional tree care company for help.
3. Dead Branches
Most trees that have dead branches also have poor health. To spot dead branches on your tree, check for bare branches where foliage should be plentiful. If this turns out to be the case, it may be time to get in touch with your local tree care company. You should also note that a healthy tree will get rid of dead branches, while an unhealthy one may not.
Removing dead branches from your tree is necessary because it can help increase the chances of your tree surviving. Ideally, dead branch removal is not as straightforward as it seems. You will need to work closely with experienced professionals to avoid injuries or damage to property.
4. Pests Become Visible on Your Tree
It is common for trees to have a handful of pests that can be hard to spot. However, if you can see pests all over your tree, then this may be an early sign that your tree has health problems. Pests build webs, dig holes into trees, and chew leaves.
But before you grab a pesticide to get rid of them, call a professional arborist to get to the bottom of the issue. The arborist will start by using a quality pesticide that does not have adverse effects on the environment. Once all the pests are eliminated, they will examine the tree to determine which health problem it is facing.
It is important to spot the early signs that your tree has health problems because this can help increase its odds of survival. With the above tips, it becomes easier to know whether your tree is in good health or needs some TLC.
If you identify any of the above early signs on your tree, call us at Reyes Tree LLC Service for emergency tree care service in Vancouver, WA.