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Hire a Professional to Prune or Thin Trees for Optimum Growth

Keeping the trees on your property in ideal health can involve pruning, trimming, or thinning. If your yard has become overgrown or if you’re a new property owner and aren’t sure when your trees were last inspected, it’s a good idea to bring in a professional to check them out and monitor them over time.

Pruning Trees for Optimum Growth

A full canopy can provide excellent shade for your yard and home. However, an overcrowded canopy can leave a tree vulnerable to pathogens such as fungi or bacteria. Pruning the canopy may include taking out branches that show signs of infection or infestation.

When a tree is fully leafed out, your arborist can help you check the leaves for signs of disease. These branches can be removed from the tree and from your property to reduce the spread of disease. Your arborist can also note which branches may be rubbing against other branches and take them out at the same time to reduce damage to the bark. The best time to prune is when the tree is dormant, so consider planning for a more detailed pruning after the leaves drop.

There are also fruit trees that require a regular pruning program to encourage the growth of new branches to increase your yield. Talk with your arborist about the best way to refresh the trees on your property with regular pruning.

Thinning Trees to Benefit Your Property

Older trees can often send up small trees from the roots, known as suckers. These suckers take energy from the tree but provide little benefits since their leaves can’t get much sun. Thinning the trees on your property can include sucker removal.

Thinning can also include taking out small trees that are unlikely to grow in a healthy way. It should be noted that there are trees that can thrive in the shadow of a larger tree. These understory trees may benefit from a trimming or thinning of the canopy above them to allow more sunlight to get through and allow the understory tree to thrive.

If the trees on your property are very overgrown, it may be necessary to thin out or remove smaller trees before larger trees can be pruned. Shrubs that have become overgrown can also be effectively thinned to allow for more airflow and reduce the risk of fungal infestations.

If you’re ready to prune or thin the trees on your Vancouver, WA property, contact Reyes Tree Service LLC.